Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hello blog world...I apologize for my long sabbatical, but I'm back! To catch you all up, since the last time I posted I left the rain and my wellies in Seattle and exchanged them for sunshine and flip flops in the beautiful city of Ventura, California. I've adapted to Cali living with much more ease than anticipated. That being said, I've also been inspired to start blogging I'm happy to say hello to everyone! Excited for lots more thoughts about beauty, food, wellness, and most importantly, Jesus.

Today I was having one of those moments...[to myself] "I think I need to pray more. I really need to know what's going on in my life right now". [chuckle, then deep internal sigh] This conversation seems to have been happening quite regularly for me, and I finally had a breakthrough this morning while perusing Matthew 6. "Seek first the kingdom, and all these things will be added to you." Seek first. This whole time I've been approaching God like a school counselor. "Tell me what to do!" "Give me advice!" "I have no idea what the future has!" And so on. The key I was missing in this whole mess was His simple invitation to be with Him. Continually throughout the gospels we see Jesus calling us to "abide in Him". This answer seems all too simple, yet is the crux for receiving all the things I was already going to God about. "BE WITH ME" is the cry of the Spirit that we often ignore. Yet in those moments of "being", we start to "become", and in becoming, we begin to receive all the answers to our original questions.

So that is my challenge for today. Simply to BE WITH HIM.

Love you all, and can't wait to post more!
<3 Joy